Saito Sensei and Corallini Sensei Ken Awase c1987

Shodan Syllabus

(1ST Degree)

Minimum 1 year of trainingThe Candidate is required to know the terminology of Aikido and its history and origin.


* Kata Dori Shiho Nage (Omote Waza)

* Kata Dori Kote Gaeshi

* Kata Dori Irimi Nage (2 Forms)

* Ryote Dori Koshi Nage (3 Forms)

* Katate Dori Koshi Nage (2 Forms)

* Shomen Uchi Koshi Nage

* Yokomen Uchi Koshi Nage

* Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage (2 forms – Soto and Uchi Mawari)

* Ryokata Dori Kokyu Nage (3 forms)

* Morote Dori Kokyu Nage (2 Forms)

* Tsuki Dai Rokkyo

* Ushiro Ryote Dori Kote Gaeshi (2 Forms)

* Ushiro Ryote Dori Koshi Nage

* Ushiro Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage (2 Forms)

* Ushiro Ryokata Dori Kokyu Nage

* Hanmi Handachi Waza Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage

* Hanmi Handachi Waza Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi

* Hanmi Handachi Waza Shomen Uchi Kaiten Nage (Soto Mawari)

* Suwari Waza Ryote Dori Kokyu Ho (Jodan / Gedan)

Jo Dori:

* Choku Tsuki Kokyu Nage (1 form from Gyaku Hanmi)

* Choku Tsuki Kokyu Nage (2 forms from Ai Hanmi)

Tachi Dori:

* Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi (from Gyaku Hanmi)

* Shomen Uchi Kokyu Nage (from Ai Hanmi)

Tanken Dori:

* Yokomen Uchi Dai Gokyo (Ura Waza)

* Tsuki (Chudan) Kote Gaeshi

Buki Waza

Ken Suburi Nanahon

Ken No Awase (4)

Jo Suburi Nijuppon

Jo No Awase (7)

Media References

Stanley Pranin (RIP) – Introduction to Aikido History. Unfortunately links to the articles mentioned in this video no longer exist, however it is worth going to to try to piece together the sections of Aikido History 101.
Stanley Pranin – Morihei Ueshiba & Sokaku Takeda
Saito Sensei – Kata Dori Irimi Nage
Kata Dori Shiho Nage – emphasising the importance of turning the hips.
Kata Dori Shiho Nage – emphasising protecting from a punch.

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