Aikido Hanmi
“Fill yourself with Ki, assume a hanmi stance with your feet apart”, says Morihei Ueshiba in his training manual Budo.
“Fill yourself with Ki, assume a hanmi stance with your feet apart”, says Morihei Ueshiba in his training manual Budo.
“The 31 movement Jo Kata has been preserved exactly as the Founder taught it.” Morihiro Saito Sensei
Saito Sensei persents an informative introduction to Aikido in general and to Iwama-Ryu Aikido in particular.
This article presents the technical requirements for 5th kyu, both tai-jutsu & buki-waza.
This article presents the technical requirements for 4th kyu, both tai-jutsu & buki-waza.
This article presents the technical requirements for 3rd Kyu, both tai-jutsu & buki-waza.
This article presents the technical requirements for 2nd kyu, both tai-jutsu & buki-waza.
This article presents the technical requirements for 1st kyu, both tai-jutsu & buki-waza.
This article presents the technical requirements for Shodan, including tai-jutsu, tanken dori, jo dori, tachi dori, & buki-waza.